Friday, December 25, 2009

New York Trip

Monday, December 14, 2009

Who needs to crawl?

Really, who needs to learn how to crawl? The good ones never do.
William has been turning over and rolling around for a while, but now he is doing just a little bit more. He has found a way to get around without crawling, because let's face it crawling is so overrated.

Mr. Spew goes mobile.

One down, and seven to go.

I officially finished my first term of school today. I actually finished yesterday when I turned in my two finals, but they weren't due until today at noon, so the term officially ended while we were at church.
I did pretty well I think, but not as good as I had hoped. I had a solid A in both classes up until the final joint class, group project and the final in each class. I still don't have a final grade for each class, but I didn't do too well on the final so I'm thinking I'll end up with a B+ in at least one class. I guess I'll find out later this week.