Monday, July 27, 2009


We took a trip to Detroit last weekend to visit Robert's family. We spent an afternoon downtown while we were there. Henry and Samuel enjoyed the water fountian, but Sadie wouldn't go near it. Notice the pictures of Sadie? Neither did I.

Since it was Saturday, Samuel decided this would be better than taking a shower at the hotel that night.

We didn't see any Red Wings fans there, but I did spot a Penguins fan. I guess the Red Wings fans were still celebrating the departure of Hossa.

We didn't make it to Canada, but I did get close.

We also went across the street to Ren Cen (Renaissance Center) where Samuel and Henry had some fun running around.

Monday, July 20, 2009

William aka Runty aka Mr. Spew aka Spew Man

William is always a captive audience when you get the camera out. At our house he is more commonly known as Runty or Mr. Spew.

Trip to Palmyra

Last weekend we took a family trip to Palmyra, NY to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant. The drive wasn't as bad as I though. If we're still here next year we will definitely make the trip again.

We were going to spend Friday in Niagara Falls, but Henry wanted to see some more sights in Palmyra, so we spent the day there instead.
Smith family frame home

Sacred Grove
Smith family log home

I still think this is the best view of any temple I've seen: