Friday, December 25, 2009

New York Trip

Monday, December 14, 2009

Who needs to crawl?

Really, who needs to learn how to crawl? The good ones never do.
William has been turning over and rolling around for a while, but now he is doing just a little bit more. He has found a way to get around without crawling, because let's face it crawling is so overrated.

Mr. Spew goes mobile.

One down, and seven to go.

I officially finished my first term of school today. I actually finished yesterday when I turned in my two finals, but they weren't due until today at noon, so the term officially ended while we were at church.
I did pretty well I think, but not as good as I had hoped. I had a solid A in both classes up until the final joint class, group project and the final in each class. I still don't have a final grade for each class, but I didn't do too well on the final so I'm thinking I'll end up with a B+ in at least one class. I guess I'll find out later this week.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Good Eats

I saw a receipe for deep fried pickles on a show a couple of weeks ago and told Samuel about it. He's been asking to try it for a week. We finally had time to make them today.

They were a big hit!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Two signs that October is almost over...

Halloween, and...

The New York Yankees in the World Series.

It's almost time for Mr. November to appear.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Stacy's Wedding

My sister Stacy got married this week in Salt Lake City. I decided to take the week off and spend it in Utah. The Wedding and reception were on Wednesday, 09/09/09.

They had a three layer cake. The top was carrot cake, I believe the middle was chocolate, and the bottom layer was vanilla with raspberry filling.

It was a good excuse to try out the new telephoto lens for my camera. If nothing else, it looks cool with the lens on and the lens conversion turned off.

And take some pictures of the nieces and nephews.

For those of you that have seen the show Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives on the Food Network, this food is from Pat's BBQ in Salt Lake City. Not the best food style for a wedding lunch, but it was good food. I think the pulled pork was the best with their hot BBQ sauce. The briskit wasn't bad either.

In case you wondered what Vanilla wedding cake looks like on the inside.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sadie's Birthday

Today was Sadie's fourth birthday. After dinner, we had cake and ice cream.

Sadie decorated her own cake with Samuel's help. It was a pink cake with pink frosting.

Everyone enjoyed the cake and ice cream, but William got really excited when he found out we were going to a Pirates game for Sadie's birthday.

PNC Park is a great place to take in a Pirates loss... I mean game.

You can enjoy the view...

...the boats on the water...

...the Pittsburgh Renaissance...

...or the perogie race.

Sarah tried to send Sadie a message while we were there. She didn't quite get it right, but she was pretty close with the one at the top of the blog. I also liked the one below.

I decided to get in on things with this one.